
Layout Overview

The heart of our layout style is a balance between impact and movement. These guidelines should serve as a starting point for creating layouts and can be expanded upon as the system comes to life.

While clear, concise communication is central to all our touchpoints, we go to great lengths to create movement and drama within a simplistic approach to motivate and inspire.

Margin & Gutters

Margins are clear spaces around the edges of a composition, ensuring no content bleeds off the page.

Typically, the margin will be 4% to 7% of the shortest side of the composition. There is no exact science to finding the perfect margin size, but use this as a visual reference.

Columns are vertical spaces that run up and down the layout. The space between columns, called the gutter, should typically be 50% of the margin width. Use 2-8 columns.  Always use an even number of columns: 2, 4, 6, or 8.

Setting Typography

Left-aligned is the most common way that we set typography. It can appear to be large or full-width. It can also hang off of an interesting grid line to create visual interest.

Staggered typography can be used for communications where we want to be extra expressive. It’s when we hang words from columns, creating movement within a block of copy. We only use staggered copy for short headlines typeset with large copy.

Color and Photography

Applying Color in Layouts

Core Color can be applied without limitations—to the background, the typography and to the logo itself.

For added expression, Emotive Color blends can be layered or masked into these compositions as well. We never use the Dynamic Color Palette for typography or the identity.

Applying Photography in Layouts

Photography can also be used in harmony with typography and color to inspire and bolster the joy of movement.

When applying photography, the most important thing to remember is to leave room for other elements and utilize negative space effectively 

Common Mistakes

Do not use alternating type at small sizes.
Do not place typography on an angle.
Do not change the Lockup.
Do not extend leading in alternating typography.
Do not right align typography.
Do not use slight changes in scale.

Our Layout
in Action

How can we help?

Our team is so excited about this new chapter for BowFlex; where fitness should be measured by how good it feels to move right now—not just by how you hope it’ll make you feel later. If you have any questions about the new BowFlex please reach out to our team.

We're here for you.