The You that you want to be isn’t waiting at the end of a five mile run.

Or on the other side of a set of curls. Or where your fingers meet your toes.

This version of You isn’t living somewhere else in a different shape or size. It isn’t holding out for the right playlist or instructor. Or hanging out on someone else’s Instagram feed.

This You is already here. In you. Is you.

Every time you show up and move.

Moving allows us to instantly witness that part of ourselves we were told we had to work on and wait to become.

Moving points us to it, because each body is its own compass. If we can feel it. At BowFlex, our job is to help you find, strengthen and follow the one inside you.

That’s why everything

we make— every bike,

treadmill, or set of  

weights— is a way for

you to move and move

closer to the You

that you already are.

That’s why everything we make—

every bike, treadmill, or set of weights—

is a way for you to move and move

closer to the You that you already are.