Our Voice

At BowFlex, we’ve pursued fitness our whole life.

Occasionally in headbands, tube socks, and short-shorts.

But this journey has shown us that fitness isn’t what we thought it was when we started. Or what most of the world still thinks fitness is supposed to be.

In fact, it’s kind of the opposite.

Instead of being over there, it’s right here. Instead of having to wait, it’s happening now. Instead of following others, it’s listening to yourself. 

Fitness is not about mind over matter and pushing your body places that don’t feel right for it—or you.

Fitness is being mindful of what matters to you and tapping into what moves you physically and personally.

As Fit-losophers, we use language to bring brains and surprise to the brawn and sameness of today’s fitness culture.

Like a modern-day Socrates in gym shorts, we want to get into your head about fitness, not your face. We’re provocative to point out what it really means to be fit so every day people can see, feel, and use it themselves.

Our Personality

Instead of external goals, slogans, or features as ways to measure your strength, we remind people that fitness is personal. The benchmark is how you feel, not if you fit into an Instagram feed, pair of jeans, or someone else’s idea of perfection—everyone’s invited.

Since no two bodies—or people—are the same, we’re also clear and encouraging making sure we’re understood and inspiring. When you’ve got someone on your side that you can trust, it strengthens all of us on the inside.

Finally, we’ve learned that sharing knowledge and the occasional joke helps people believe in us and themselves more than shouting and shaming. So we turn our experience of working out (yes, sometimes in tube socks) into excitement that gets people moving.

Our goal is finding new ways to express what years of getting in shape have shown us—fitness is any movement that makes you feel better, physically and personally.

Proactive and Useful
We believe the truth well-told can break through sensational slogans and goal-baiting, to help everyday people see, use, and feel fitness differently. 
Our honesty grabs attention by taking the pressure off what people think fitness demands of them. Then we redefine it in a way that feels attainable and worthwhile. 
It Is:
Honest, confident, and bold
It Isn't:
Insensitive, disrespectful, or sensational 
It Sounds Like:
The You that you want to be isn’t on someone else’s Instagram. 
It’s in you, waiting for you to put the phone down. 
At BowFlex, we think fitness should be measured by how good it makes you feel to move right now—not by who you hope to look like down the line. 
Personal and Inviting
People listen when you talk to them—not down to them. We want everyone to see their feelings, emotional and physical, in our version of fitness. 
We talk about feeling better—emotionally and physically—as being just as valid as external results. We name sensations to help people recognize how they’re feeling—and want to feel. 
It Is:
Conversational, relatable, and welcoming
It Isn't:
Clinical, distant, or cold 
It Sounds Like:
There’s emotion in motion. 
A lot of people think getting fit needs to feel bad for it to work. That self-doubt and pain are signs things are all right. 
We’re here to tell you good feelings aren’t just possible— they’re preferred. Like excitement. Joy. Even pride. Not to mention strong and energized. 
If you’re ready to believe that fitness can mean feeling good every time you move, it might be time to move to BowFlex. 
Clear and Encouraging
When people understand how and why to be fit, it can help inspire them to make it an ongoing process. 
We find fresh, positive ways to talk about fitness and our products that people can understand rationally and emotionally. We anticipate and provide the info people want to know at every step of the way to keep them going. 
It Is:
Optimistic, straightforward, and helpful 
It Isn't:
Over-promising, jargon, or pushy 
It Sounds Like
Your brain sees a bike.
Your body sees what it’s been waiting for. 
We built the BowFlex VeloCore Bike because your brain knows that features like Leaning Mode, 100 resistance levels, and our JRNY personalized training content can help you reach your goals. 
But, more importantly, your body knows that it can use all those features to change up your ride every day and make it endlessly more fun and interesting—not to mention increase your muscle flexibility, strength, and joint health. 
Which gives your body everything it needs to get you and your brain back on your VeloCore day after day.
Experienced and Exciting 
Working out shouldn’t feel like work. We’ve learned that when you make moving (for its own sake) sound enjoyable, more people do it. 
We use our wit to express the joy we get—and have seen others get—from moving. We embrace our history and point back to stories that give our words weight and a dose of humility. 
It Is:
Knowledgeable, humorous, and motivating
It Isn't:
Aloof, weird, or salesy 
It Sounds Like:
Our view on fitness has changed a lot since 1986.
Our view on neon headbands has not. 
When we started BowFlex, fitness was just about results. Bigger. Smaller. Toner. Leaner. And we helped people get there, fast, right in their own home. 
But since then we’ve learned that results aren’t the only reason most of us stick with working out. 
In fact, we’ve talked to thousands of people—including our own employees—and what brings over 80% of them back to their BowFlex machines every day is the joy of feeling their body move. Not just hitting a number on a scale or dumbbell. 
So, if you’re ready to move on from old ideas of fitness, it might be time to move to the new BowFlex. 
But please keep the headbands. 
How can we help?

Our team is so excited about this new chapter for BowFlex; where fitness should be measured by how good it feels to move right now—not just by how you hope it’ll make you feel later. If you have any questions about the new BowFlex please reach out to our team.

We're here for you.